LearningE-learning may be defined as the delivery of instructional content through the use of ‎electronic ‎technology, which may include compact disks (CDs), computer based training (CBT), or web ‎based ‎applications. ‎

Simply, the definition of e-learning is training delivered via digital technology in order to ‎help us learn. The main objective is to help people ‎do their jobs better, improve performance and ultimately drive ‎towards achieving common business ‎goals. It’s also used in education, to provide student a flexible learning experience, in governments to cater to the high number of civil servants and by NGOs to implement cost effective social initiatives.‎

At IQUAD we believe , Although the “e” in the term e-learning though originally coined to denote the “electronic” aspect, is ‎synonymously ‎being used as e for engagement; e for ease of use, e for empowerment and e for ‎enhancement. The fact ‎remains that the e-learning concept is inclusive of various learning procedures ‎that are enhanced by ‎technology. E-learning solves the problem of time and financial constraints by ‎offering a convenient and ‎manageable way of conveying education. Our solutions are designed to ‎address the needs of corporates, ‎governments, Education and NGOs..‎

A digital learning solution provider with industry and market experience that goes back to 1998…

We’re back!


We’re excited to announce that our Roundtable Event is returning for its 8th edition in Lebanon!


Stay Tuned!

More details to come soon